Aspendos Aqueduct ²⁰¹⁹ | Aspendos Su Kemeri | Hava Çekimi ✈️ | Sarıabalı – Serik – Antalya

Aspendos Antik Kenti’ndeki su kemerlerinin Arkeologlar antik tiyatrodan çok daha önemli olduğunu dile getiren Köse, neredeyse bir kilometre boyunca uzanan kemerlerin nadir eserlerden olduğuna dikkat çekti.
The aqueducts in the ancient city of Aspendos, located in the southern province of Antalya’s Serik district, have witnessed centuries of history.
The one-kilometer-long and 15-meter-high aqueducts, which bring water to Aspendos from the mountains, reveal the talent of the engineers who built them. These rare and ancient artifacts are called the lifelines of the city.